Best Time To Visit Cameron Highlands

Figuring out the best time to visit Cameron Highlands is tricky. Because you want to be there to enjoy the outdoors! Without the rain soaking everything including you!

At the same time, it’s no fun to get stuck in the heavy traffic that is inevitable during the peak seasons.

No doubt, when you decide to go plays a major role in how your trip will turn out! And this guide will help you to figure out when you should go.

Table of contents:

When Is The Best Time To Visit Cameron Highlands?

When it come to the weather, it is pleasantly cool in the morning and evenings for most of the year. More often though, afternoons on a sunny day can get still be uncomfortably warm when you’re outdoors sight-seeing.

Valley View From Cameron Valley Tea House 2
Valley View From Cameron Valley Tea House 2

Rain is common for much of the year too. But less during January to February and the summer months!

To escape the holiday crowds, you must compromise by taking extra days off work in the middle of the week.

Other questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you want to see the Brinchang Night Market? It is only open on the weekends.
  • Are you going hiking? Constant rain makes hiking trails slippery.
  • Is picking strawberries one of your top priorities? There are less to pick after school holidays.
  • Is one of your main priorities the Sungai Palas BOH tea estate? This location is closed every Monday! Closing time is 4:30pm so take the drive (into the estate) into your considerations as well!
BOH Sungai Palas Tea Centre Has Hilltop Views
BOH Sungai Palas Tea Centre Has Hilltop Views
  • How much time do you have in Cameron Highlands? Can you afford to wait out heavy rain?
  • Is it important to you to have the lowest temperatures possible?
Hillside Covered In Pink Flowers At The Outdoor Section Of Cameron Highlands Flora Park
Hillside Covered In Pink Flowers At The Outdoor Section Of Cameron Highlands Flora Park

Weather In Cameron Highlands – By Month

It is usually humid in Cameron Highlands since they have regular rain. And the temperature can range from 14°C to 28°C.

If you compare this to the rest of the mainland (~30 to 33°C) though, it’s still cooler up in Cameron Highlands! Even on the hottest days.

We go to Cameron Highlands every year and notice that is getting hotter each year.

getting up to Cameron Highlands from Ipoh
Windy roads are part of getting up to Cameron Highlands – Photo by Travelswithsun

1. Monthly Average Lowest And Highest Temperature

If you want to experience the coldest temperatures possible in Cameron Highlands, the coolest months are typically between December and February!

Month Average High Temperature Over The Year (°C) Average Low Temperature Over The Year (°C)
January 21.3 13.8
February 21.9 12.2
March 21.9 12.2
April 23 13.8
May 23 14.2
June 23 13.8
July 21.9 12.2
August 21.9 13.8
September 22 13.7
October 22 13.8
November 21.3 13.8
December 21.3 13.8
Top View Of Flower Mounds At Agro Market Cameron Highlands
Top View Of Flower Mounds At Agro Market Cameron Highlands

2. Monthly Average Monthly Rainy Days

And if you want to avoid rain:

The wettest months are October and November. Followed by April and throughout May. So, if you plan to do a lot of hiking, you may want to avoid going in these months!

With daily rain and rampant overdevelopment, landslides are increasingly in Cameron Highlands! This includes the roads going up to the highlands.

In contrast, the driest months are February, June, and July.

Month Average No. Of Rainy Days Over The Year
January 18 days
February 13 days
March 20 days
April 24 days
May 22 days
June 16 days
July 15 days
August 20 days
September 22 days
October 27 days
November 25 days
December 21 days

3. When Is Peak Season?

Generally, every weekend in Cameron Highlands sees more traffic than usual! But what you should avoid is going during extended weekends (e.g. when a public holiday falls on a Monday or Friday)!

Mona Lavender At Lavender Garden In Cameron Highlands
Mona Lavender At Lavender Garden In Cameron Highlands – Photo by Travelswithsun

This also includes Singaporean public holidays like Singapore’s National Day on August 9.

The beginning of the year is cooler and drier but crowded due to Chinese New Year! Hari Raya is also a major holiday period for the locals. This is usually between April and May.

And mid-year is when many families can bring their children up because of the school holidays! Again, take Singaporean school holidays into account.

BOH Habu Tea Plantation
BOH Habu Tea Plantation

While the year-end brings many families wanting to enjoy a “cool” Christmas!

Major Public Holidays

  • New Year’s Eve
  • Chinese New Year
  • Hari Raya
  • Singapore National Day
  • Merdeka and Malaysia Day
  • Deepavali
  • Christmas

4. Strawberry Season

Strawberry farms grow these popular berries all-year-round.

Strawberry picking at Cameron Highlands is fun for all ages
Strawberry picking is fun for all ages – photo by Travelswithsun

But you might find less to pluck if you visit a popular strawberry farm (like Raaju’s Hill) during the peak season!

Especially during and after school holidays because this activity is very popular with families!

5. Brinchang Night Market

This famous market is only open on Friday and Saturdays from 4pm to 11pm!

But it is usually open every day during the school holidays too! If you want to be sure, you can message any homestay or hotel close to that area (Golden Hills).

Dinner Crowd At Brinchang Night Market
Dinner Crowd At Brinchang Night Market

Where To Stay

You won’t run out of hotels and homestays to stay in! But to be on the safe side, book in advance if you’re going on a weekend or during the peak season!

Expect prices to be higher than normal during busy periods too!

Budget Recommendations:

  1. Gerard’s Place
  2. Cameronian Inn
  3. Kea Garden Guesthouse
Kea Garden Hotel At Kea Market, Cameron Highlands
Kea Garden Hotel At Kea Market, Cameron Highlands – Photo by Travelswithsun

Read here for more budget hotels in Cameron Highlands.

Mid-range Recommendations:

  1. Copthorne Hotel Cameron Highlands
  2. The Bala’s Holiday Chalet
  3. Heritage Hotel

Luxury Recommendations:

  1. Century Pines Resort Cameron Highlands
  2. Cameron Highlands Resort
  3. Lakehouse Cameron Highlands

Getting To Cameron Highlands

Trains and flights won’t get you up to Cameron Highlands. The only way is via the highland passes.

Driving up to Cameron Highlands involves long winding roads for at least 2 hours. Which can be treacherous in the dark or when it’s raining!

If you don’t fancy driving or taking the bus, you can get a private tour service (RayTheTour) which starts in Ipoh!

  • Pick-up anywhere in Ipoh
  • Reliable service
  • Experienced local guides
  • Day trips are available!
  • Flexible itinerary

And more! Contact them on WhatsApp to inquire about a personalized private tour!

1. How To Get To Cameron Highlands From Ipoh

There are many ways to travel up to Cameron Highlands from Ipoh. Taking the bus may be the cheapest option. But it is also the least convenient!

If you are planning to drive, don’t forget to check your tire pressure before you start!
Do not travel at night if you can help it and if you have no experience on these roads. As there are no streetlights and only limited phone coverage!

Read more: How To Get From Ipoh To Cameron Highlands

2. How To Get To Cameron Highlands From Kuala Lumpur

From Kuala Lumpur, you should use the Tapah road as you can exit straight from the North-South Expressway!

Read more: How To Go To Cameron Highlands From Kuala Lumpur

3. How To Get To Cameron Highlands From Singapore

Although driving to Cameron Highlands is possible from Singapore:

It’s neither comfortable nor practical.

The 1-hour flight to Ipoh is a smarter way to do it – saving you more time to spend in Cameron Highlands!

Read more: How To Go To Cameron Highlands From Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What should I wear in Cameron Highlands?

A1: Light clothing (but not too revealing unless you don’t mind stares) and at least 1 jacket and long pants. For hiking, a waterproof jacket, sports shoes, or hiking boots, and long pants.

Q2: Is Cameron Highlands safe?

A2: Landslides and floods can occur after days of relentless heavy rain. This may result in road blockages and slippery hiking trails. Lone hikers are targets for robbers in the jungle.

Q3: How far is Cameron Highlands from cities?

A3: ~2 hours’ drive from Ipoh, ~3 hours’ drive from Kuala Lumpur, and ~4 hours’ drive from Penang.

Q4: What is Cameron Highlands famous for?

A4: Cooler temperatures, tea plantations and strawberry farms!

Q5: How many days should you spend in the Cameron Highlands?

A5: A day trip will suffice to see the main attractions – tea plantation, strawberry farm, flower park, etc.

Valley Views From Cameron Valley Tea House 1
Valley Views

Q6: Is Cameron Highlands worth visiting?

A6: While there is greenery in Cameron Highlands, it can be touristy. Natural scenery has also been eaten away at with numerous development and agricultural projects.

The lower temperatures (relative to the mainland) are still the main highlight of visiting the highlands.

Q7: How do you get around Cameron Highlands?

A7: E-hailing service is still not very common here. There are taxis and some hostels rent scooters. Engaging a private tour service is another way to get around the highlands. But to go up to Gunung Brinchang and the mossy forestyou should will need to hire a 4WD.


There are many factors to consider for the best time to visit Cameron Highlands, there is no clearcut, wrong or right answer!

In general, go in the middle of the week to avoid the crowds. It is also advisable to plan your trip right after any major public holidays have passed.

But if you’re worried about rain, choose the drier months like mid-to-end February, June, and July! If you must be here when the temperatures are lowest but still want to avoid the holiday crowds, we recommend going after the first week of January.

Have you planned your trip to Cameron Highlands yet? Here is our itinerary that you can refer to.

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