Catching Blue Tears at Pulau Sembilan Bagan Datuk

There’s a special place in Perak, Malaysia called Pulau Sembilan where you can see “blue tears” wash up on the beach, creating an unearthly spectacle in the dark!

You can read about what blue tears are. And what the tours are like in this post! We’ve been to these islands before and have seen the blue tears for ourselves!

What are Blue Tears?

Blue tears is a type of algae (Noctiluca scintillans) in the sea that is bio-luminescent.

With deliberate water movement, their fluorescent blue glow is especially prominent. Another name for them is sea sparkle.

Bluetears or sea sparkle washed up on the beach on one of the islands of Pulau Sembilan near Bagan Datuk - photo from gallery of Icestar tour agency official website - read about our overnight experience on Pulau Sembilan on
Bluetears or sea sparkle washed up on the beach on one of the islands of Pulau Sembilan near Bagan Datuk – photo from gallery of Icestar tour agency official website

Is Pulau Sembilan Open?

You can’t go to Pulau Sembilan on your own because it is privately owned, and you would first have to apply permission for it. Something we could not find much information on.

And you would have to find your own boat too!

So visitors used to be able to see this unique phenomenon in Pulau Sembilan conveniently via full-package tours!

However, they don’t let visitors stay on the island anymore due to over-tourism. This announcement came out around April 2017.

There were updates in 2018, 2019 and 2020. The latest was to open the island in late December 2020.

This did not happen and there is still no sign of any confirmed date of when the overnight or day island tours can resume.

Where To See Blue Tears In Malaysia

But if you still want to this natural phenomenon, you can see the blue tears at Kuala Selangor too!

The jetty at Sky Mirror Kuala Selangor provides a boat ride service. The boats will cruise along the Selangor River, taking you out to sea at night.

It is about an hour’s ride from the jetty.

They will show you the plankton by scooping some up in a net.

Slots for the boat rides are open every evening at 8 pm, 9 pm and 10 pm.

We have a separate post that has more information about the available tours to see the elusive blue tears (together with another Malaysian treasure, the Sky Mirror of Kuala Selangor).

When To See Blue Tears

We managed to see some blue tears but not as much as we had expected.

It depends on the time of year too.  Apparently, there are more around June and November.

TIP: Don’t go during the rainy season, there are less blue tears then.

For our overnight experience in Pulau Sembilan (translates to 9 Islands), keep reading:

The Tour Package We Booked

There are two tour groups that can be contacted easily through Facebook (they conduct their business in Mandarin though).

We took NineIsland but we would recommend IceStar as their side of the island seemed to be better managed.

These groups typically offer 2D1N packages that include food (=Seafood), transport to and from the island, and a snorkeling excursion.

And last but not least, accommodation in the form of a camping tent with minimal bedding. They do have more comfortable tents with fans and mattresses but those are limited.

There is also a limit to how many people can stay on the island so you MUST book early (minimum 1 month ahead), especially during public holidays.

We took the 2D1N package at RM 290 per person.

pulau sembilan packages

How To Get To Pulau Sembilan From Ipoh

Driving from Ipoh, we had to start at 5-6am to reach Bagan Datoh (Update: now officially renamed Bagan Datuk) by 8am for the boat departure.

For your information, the tour will send a Waze location via a Whatsapp group chat.

This road trip took us about 2 hours and 30 minutes (~150 km) from Ipoh. We passed by Teluk Intan and drove on to Bagan Datoh where we boarded a boat to reach our destination, Pulau Sembilan.

Using these coordinates, we came to the cross junction of Kampung Sungai Burung as shown in snapshot below.

The route is marked in blue (thanks to Google Maps) and this will be the same route no matter which direction you come from.

As you can see, we needed to turn left to reach the meeting point. The entrance takes you quite deep inside a field through a one-way lane (oh joy).

A car park and one simple building were the only landmarks that let us know that we had reached the gathering point for the Nineisland tour.

Note: The meeting point for the IceStar agency is further inside the village.

How to get to Pulau Sembilan
How to get to Pulau Sembilan, taken from Google Maps.

Upon entering, the building has a simple lobby and shower facilities too. Here, payment will be made in cash, and they will confirm the number of passengers.

The Boat Ride to Pulau Sembilan

The dock was in the village, so we needed to walk a bit (<1km) before we reached the jetty. There are a lot of seafood restaurants here too.

Because the tour group don’t wait for latecomers, it is necessary to get here on time! A life jacket will be given to each passenger and there will be ~10-15 people to a boat.

Picking out life jackets at the jetty before the boat ride to Pulau Sembilan
Picking out life jackets at the jetty before the boat ride to Pulau Sembilan.

The journey is a bit bumpy, but we enjoyed it. Think it took 30-40 minutes or so before we could see the islands.

At Pulau Sembilan

The main island is divided between the tour groups – IceStar and NineIslands. However, nobody will stop you if you cross over so feel free to explore.

Beach (low tide) at one of the bigger islands at Pulau Sembilan
Beach (low tide) at one of the bigger islands at Pulau Sembilan.

On the left (picture above), is the NineIslands side.

On the right, is IceStar’s.

This side of the island will flood worse during the night which is why they have those green metal sheets as a barricade.

But the shared toilets are on NineIsland’s side of the island, and we suspect that the toilet waste gets into the seawater once the tide is higher. Gross.

We also suspect that they exceed the limit of the number of people allowed to visit this island. From what we saw while exploring the beach, every possible sleeping space was occupied.

amily seen playing along the shore at one of the Pulau Sembilan islands
amily seen playing along the shore at one of the Pulau Sembilan islands.

Maybe it’s because the other side always seems to be greener or, the waste management at IceStar is just better.

They diligently clear up the bottles and trash thrown around the beach by thoughtless and selfish people throughout the day. Whilst the other tour agency just cleared most of the trash (not all), right before a new tour group comes in.

Litter strewn about the beach at one of the main islands of Blue Tears Pulau Sembilan
Litter strewn about the beach at one of the main islands of Pulau Sembilan – Is it so hard to clear your own trash, people?

At low tide, it’s possible to walk to the next island starting from Icestar’s allocated side of the island.

TIP: Protect your feet with sandals while wading in the shallows. The rocks are quite sharp here. We didn’t notice the cuts on our feet till we went back home the next day.

Tour Itinerary

Snorkeling at Pulau Sembilan

The tour agency brought us out to another island to do some snorkeling. We literally get off the boat, and right into the water.

There were a few people that were terrified of this but don’t be. A life jacket is provided, and they have people on the boat who are ready to jump in and help in case you need it.

TIP: The water is VERY salty – do make sure your snorkel mask is tight. If you have a small head, make sure to bring your own as they only have them in free size.

The water was too murky to see anything – possibly because of all the motion in the water.

Try to be the first down in the water before the rest jump in so that the water is still clear. There are some big fish but they’re very good at hiding among the rocks.


Before we headed back, they stopped to allow people to make some prayers to sea deities. And also, to feed some wild pigs (boars, more like).

The pigs expect the boats to come during that time and will make their way out of the jungle and to the shore. They were totally fearless of humans and would even accept hand feeding.


For want of a dry land-based activity, there is a short trek to hike up to the peak of this island. We didn’t go but some of the other island visitors did.

Couple at Pulau Sembilan
This photo was taken by another tourist, I’d link his blog but couldn’t find it.


By the time we got back to the mainland, showered and had lunch, the tide was quite high, and we really enjoyed swimming or swinging while dangling our feet in the water.

It is nice to swim in the evening too when high tide comes in. There are floats for rent as well but only a few. We saw that some people had brought their own floats.

Others used the plastic chairs from the dining area and wedged the feet of the chairs into the sand. This way they can sit and soak in the water at the same time.

Sunset at Pulau Sembilan

The sunset is on the other side (IceStar’s) of the island. Everyone in our group (plus us) went to check it out after the steamboat dinner.

The sunset view at Pulau Sembilan
The sunset view at Pulau Sembilan.
Took a walk along the shore as the light was fading
Took a walk along the shore as the light was fading.

Blue Tears At Pulau Sembilan – Our Experience

The first blue tears only start appearing at 8pm or so. The peak is around 10pm. In the meantime, there will be alcohol and karaoke. Lots of it. We saw plenty of crabs running around the beach too.

If you were to search up more photos of Pulau Sembilan online:

You will come across some very beautiful photos of the blue tears and also a starry night sky.

We had the full moon instead. And while walking along the water’s edge around 8pm, we saw our first glimpse of blue tears – they looked like little blue lights in the water!

Full moon seen from the beach at Pulau Sembilan
Full moon seen from the beach at Pulau Sembilan.

There weren’t many and the lights go out fast a few seconds after hitting the sand. We only have one decent photo (below) so here you go.

We spent some time chasing them, then decided to get some sleep and check if there were more later.

The only one decent photo of blue tear that we managed to capture
The only one decent photo of blue tear that we managed to capture.

Around 10pm, there weren’t more of them. We could, however, sense a storm coming in so we retired to bed and soon, woke up to the sound of a raging storm!

If our tent hadn’t been moved from the original spot earlier in the afternoon, we’d definitely be submerged.

The water level had reached the picnic tables and dining area. It’s hard to describe the storm’s fury in words. Eventually though, we fell asleep.


We got up early to see the sunrise and it was a pretty sight.

The beautiful sunrise outside our tent – the calm after last night’s storm
The beautiful sunrise outside our tent – the calm after last night’s storm.

Along with the rest of the group, we had some breakfast and hung around the island some more. The boats were supposed to pick us up later. You need to queue up if you’re in a hurry to get back.

Rocks at Pulau Sembilan Perak
Enjoying the Beauty of Pulau Sembilan Perak.

Gonna end the post here as the journey back was not very eventful. We enjoyed our trip despite not seeing a lot of “blue tears”. =)


We might consider going again to see more blue tears. The islands are also beautiful. It’s a pity that poor management and irresponsible tourists have let do over-tourism.

Hopefully, a couple of years will be enough to clean up and restore the islands. Would you want to stay overnight at Pulau Sembilan? Leave a comment below.

Road Trips From Ipoh

Ipoh is a not a bad base to get some road trips started. It’s what we always do when we have a few days free. See our suggestions for Ipoh road trips here.

Pahang Road Trip

The neighboring state of Pahang has a lot to see. Here’s some ideas for what we did on during our road trip in Pahang.

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  1. Hi. We plan to have a trip on 9/9. Can you please share more information about the package? Thank you.

    1. Hi Ebbie,
      Sorry for the very very veeeeeeeeeeery late reply. We’ve not had reliable internet access for the past month during our roadtrip around New Zealand.

      Last time, we went with Nine Island agency (they conversed in Mandarin only the time we made our booking through Facebook). I couldn’t find the exact page anymore. It might be this one ( or this one (

      I think the island is still closed (since April 2017) to visitors for day or overnight trips. From the recent comments on TripAdvisor (link here:, it seems the day trip out to sea to scoop out some plankton + the Sky Mirror is not really worth the price. Hope that helps.

      Thanks for your comment~

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